Why is it Taking so long for my HIT to Restart?

For most studies, restarting is quick. For some studies, however, restarting the HIT can take up to 90 minutes. The speed of a restart is affected by the factors below.

Each time your HIT restarts, it gets moved to the top of the worker dashboard. This means restarting your HIT is one way to increase the speed of data collection because HITs near the top of the dashboard are more likely to be seen and accepted.


CloudResearch's MicroBatching feature automatically restart your HITs at various intervals. For all other HITs, restarting must be done manually. When your HIT restarts, the restart may be slow because: 

1. It takes time to close the current HITs.
2. Before new HITs can be posted, all workers currently working on your HIT must complete their work. For long studies, this may take up to 90 minutes.
3. When new HITs are posted, it takes time to assign qualifications and exclude all workers who completed previous HITs within the study.
4. It takes time to launch new HITs for the remaining workers in your study.